Dr. Bahareh Mahbanooei

Dr. Bahareh Mahbanooei, a Ph.D. graduate in Organizational Behavior Management from the University of Tehran, has numerous ISI-indexed, scientific-research, and national and international conference articles. Her doctoral dissertation focused on designing a virtue-based organizational ethics model for hospitals of Tehran University of Medical Sciences and Health Services. Her areas of study include periodic performance evaluation in governance, governance and technology, ethics and governance, human resources governance, evaluation and development, and competency models for governors. She has authored two books on performance evaluation, one of which has won the University Book of the Year award from SAMT publications. Dr. Mahbanooei has conducted several specialized workshops in organizations and collaborates as an organizational consultant in the field of human resource management. She also serves as a reviewer for the ISI journal. Her other activities include guiding, consulting, and judging theses at the University of Tehran and other universities. She is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Public and Administrative Governance at the Faculty of Governance, University of Tehran.